Thursday, April 10, 2008

Give us this day our daily bread

Give us this day our daily bread. These are words that Jesus used with the disciples when He shared with them how to pray. Our Father who art in heaven hallowed by Thy Name. If I truly believe that there is a Holy God in heaven, a Father whose very Name is Holy, then what will my life, my thoughts, my actions reflect? Am I desiring to see His kingdom come? Do I want His will done on earth as it is in heaven? By my very life, I don't live like I desire this. Heaven is holy perfection. Heaven is the throne room of the God of Creation. Heaven is bringing glory to God the Father and Jesus Christ always. Heaven is worship. Do I desire His perfect will, as it is portrayed in heaven to be portrayed in my life?
Give us this day our daily bread. The request for daily sustainance comes only after the allegience and surrender and worship of the Sustainer is given. Only then do I come ready to ask the Father to meet my needs. Does Daily Bread only refer to the physical? I submit that it does not. I believe that I should be asking God to give me what I need daily, the bread of His Word the Bible, to sustain and strengthen me for that day. To meet the spiritual hunger, the needs that I will have, so I will continue in an attitude of doing the Father's will. As with physical life, where we tend to eat at least three meals a day, we should begin to work on adding more meals to our spiritual life as well. Snacking on God's word through out the day would result in continued strength for journey of life with its hills and valleys. When I climbed Half Dome in Yosemite, having continual hydration as well as beneficial food to continue giving nourishment and strength to complete the climb was crucial. The food taken had to provide not only bursts of energy, but sustained energy as well. If I lived my life spiritually in this manner, I would eat a hearty breakfast, full of protein...the meat of the word. I would drink continually through out the day, relying on the power of the Holy Spirit through prayer. I would snack on the word through Scripture memory, grabbing spare moments to read short passage or verse. I would make sure that I had the milk of the Word as well. The words of Psalms or Proverbs could give me the short bursts of needed energy that eating a peice of fruit might provide. I need to be more concerned about my spiritual diet. I need to choose carefully what I eat, that it is not wasted nourishment or leathal nourishment. There needs to be planning in my day, so that I will eat the daily bread that God has given me. As with every meal, I need to thank the Father who provided for my physical and spiritual hunger.

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